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Paper Call: Memefest




Memefest, the International Festival of Radical Communication–born in Slovenia and rapidly reaching a critical mass worldwide–is proud to announce its seventh annual competition. Once again, Memefest is encouraging students, writers, artists, designers, thinkers, philosophers, and counter-culturalists to submit their work to our panel of renowned judges.

This years festival theme is RADICAL BEAUTY. Participants will respond to an excerpt taken from themovie Rize and comment on it with their works. Here is how we defined radical beauty: Beauty is a cultural creation that expresses dominant values. In the 21st century beauty is often extremely commercialized. Radical beauty is a cultural creation that expresses the desire of a change in society. Radical beauty is about changing dominant values through action and creation. Grassroots projects are often the vectors of these changes.

As always, those whose work does not take a conventional format can enter the Beyond… category,where the name of the game is challenging mainstream practices and beliefs! Beyond… continues togrow in popularity as a category not only because of its avant-garde appeal but because it is open to non-students as well.

Memefest occurs completely on-line at, and all entries will be available for full access and commentary in the site galleries. In 2007, Memefest received almost 500 entries from participants of every continent on the globe (except Antarctica). We hope to get bigger, and to spread more of those good infectious ideas, so keep thinking- and creating.

Deadline for submissions is May 20th 2008! Good luck!


Paper Call: Memefest


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