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Jan 12, 2014
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Apr 20, 2014

Sight Gag: Patriotic Porn

Photo Credit:  Judy Patrick/Alaska Stock in Newsweek, September 15, 2008.

“Sight Gags” is our weekly nod to the ironic and carnivalesque in a vibrant democratic public culture.  We typically will not comment beyond offering an identifying label, leaving the images to “speak” for themselves as much as possible.  Of course, we invite you to comment … and to send us images that you think capture the carnival of contemporary democratic public culture.


Sight Gag: Patriotic Porn


8 Responses

  1. Jenny says

    i’m having trouble finding this photo anywhere else on the internet. Do you know if it is digitally available in its original context?

  2. Lucaites says

    I could not find it on-line either. I scanned it from Newsweek and the citation is above. If you do find it I’d appreciate it if you could let us know. Thanks.

  3. Dixon Webb says

    Newsweek has a spotty history of using airbrushes and other enhancements on their photos to make a point. It makes me wonder about the authenticity of this picture. Newsweek has had such an anti-Palin slant in the recent past, perhaps it’s just another political lie? Who took it? When? Has the photo been retouched?


  4. alaskan says

    Newsweek has an “anti-Palin slant”? Really? They do? Wow, I’m not seeing it.
    With enemies like that, who needs friends!
    Palin is indulged, fete’d, flatteringly photographed by top photogs (at the magazine’s expense, of course), whether she deserves it or not.
    Frankly, I’m a weary of the complaint that she’s treated unfairly or in some way more harshly than…what…politicians? Celebrities? The president of the United States? Foreign heads of state?

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