Credit: Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune (Note: The cartoon is this week’s Cartoon for the Classroom “Caption Contest” run by NIE and the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists).
“Sight Gags” is our weekly nod to the ironic and carnivalesque in a vibrant democratic public culture. We typically will not comment beyond offering an identifying label, leaving the images to “speak” for themselves as much as possible. Of course, we invite you to comment … and to send us images that you think capture the carnival of contemporary democratic public culture.
Very nice! It’s hard from up here in the warming north to understand the moral bankruptcy that lets the Republican mouthpieces lie so baldly about what universal medicare would mean to the people in your country.
Oh, that wonderful health care reform! I always say that everyone is entitled to an opinion….but please….make sure it’s an INFORMED opinion! It seems liberals have tunnel vision. They all have this Pollyanna attitude without one ounce of realism.