Mar 10, 2013
Dec 06, 2016
Jan 17, 2011
Mar 10, 2013
Feb 27, 2013
Apr 22, 2009

Best Photo Blogs (British Journal of Photography)

The current issue of the British Journal of Photography contains a review of “10 of the Best Photoblogs.”

We’re proud and very pleased that NCN is on the list.  The selection is particularly gratifying as it was done by Jorg Colberg, author of the terrific fine-art photography blog Conscientious.  (And that’s the only reason that Conscientious would not be on the list.)  The others listed are 5b4, aCurator blog, David Campbell’s blog, DLK Collection, Mrs. Deane, Prison Photography, Too Much Chocolate, Unless You Will blog, and Visual Culture blog.  Links to each are in the story at BJP and in our sidebar.

We are compelled to mention that this is not the only list out there.  Most notably, NCN was not included in the 2011 Photo Blog awards, but our good friend Michael Shaw’s BAGnewsNotes was included in that company, and so we’re that much happier to be cross-posted occasionally at the BAG.  As for getting with directly, there’s always next year.  In the meantime, thanks to Jorg and to all our readers.


Best Photo Blogs (British Journal of Photography)


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