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Nov 03, 2010

Exhibition on the Political Image

Lüski | Azoulay | Efrat & Brutmann

STUK kunstencentrum, Naamsestraat 96, Leuven, Belgium
April 17 > June 3 2012
An exhibition featuring work by
Aïm Deüelle Lüski
Ariella Azoulay
Eitan Efrat & Sirah Foighel Brutmann

This exhibition brings together works by Israeli artists and a curator of different generations. They all reflect on the state of photography and the political image.

Since the mid-1970s, Aïm Deüelle Lüski has invented a variety of cameras, each conceived especially for a particular phenomenon or event to be photographed at a specific historical moment. His work is aimed at deconstructing the vertical structure of photography and generating different ways of thinking about the photographic encounter. Ariella Azoulay presents Potential History, a series of photos, texts and a video on the history of Israel/Palestine. This work articulates a new way to relate to history through what Azoulay calls “potential history”. These parts of te exhibition are curated by Ariella Azoulay. STUK also presents Eitan Efrat and Sirah Foighel Brutmanns Printed Matter, a film that displays the conflation of private lives and contemporary geopolitics. Brutmann’s father André was a freelance press photographer who captured images of his wife and children on the same film rolls he used to document the Israel-Palestine conflict.

opening | Tu 17 Apr • 20:00
open | We & Th 14:00-21:00, Fr – Su 14:00-18:00
closed on Sa 26 & Su 27 May

On Tuesday April 17, 18h30, STUK and the Departments of Arts Sciences and Philosophy of KU Leuven present a lecture by Ariella Azoulay and Aïm Deüelle Lüski. Participants can also join in for the opening reception afterwards.  For more information contact the STUK Arts Center, info@stuk.be.


Exhibition on the Political Image


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