Sep 12, 2007
Aug 22, 2011
Feb 27, 2011
Jun 07, 2009
Sep 04, 2011
Jan 27, 2008

Call For Papers: Visual Politics

As politics, especially electoral politics, has become more mediated, and subsequently, more digital, its visual aspects occupy center stage. However, political communication research remains relatively unfocused  where visual expression is concerned. Visual politics is often dismissed as mere spectacle, but such dismissal impedes a more thorough understanding of how political reality acts through visual representation and display.

Chapter proposals are sought for an edited volume that explores a range of political signification accomplished through visual means. Although the project is based on acknowledging  the rhetorical  aspects of the visual, proposals may represent a range of perspectives and methods. The goal of the book is to transcend the presentation of case studies and inform further research by building on theory and emphasizing the implications of case studies that may be used. While chapters that engage the 2008 and 2012 elections are desirable, broader aspects of politics are welcome as subject matter, as well.  Visual elements that might be investigated include: political cartoons, news photographs, White House photographs, nonverbal expressions by leaders and candidates, political ads, memes, and campaign symbols. Proposals should consist of a 400-500 word description of the chapter that includes the theoretical perspective to be employed or developed. A research c.v. and bio of the submitter should also be added. Preliminary inquiries are welcome. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of scholarship and on their potential contribution to a cohesive collection. Details of chapter requirements such as length and format will be announced later.


Proposal Deadline: October 15, 2012

Chapter Deadline (projected): early 2013

 Inquires maybe addressed  to

Submit via email or hard copy to: Janis L. Edwards, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Box 870172, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0172

Photo Credit:  Evan Vucci/AP


Call For Papers: Visual Politics


1 Response

  1. Janis Edwards says

    Thaks for posting . CHANGE: To better accomodate studies of 2012 politics, and editorial schedules, the proposal deadline has been changed to Dec. 15, 2012, with the final deadline for chapter drafts later in the spring of 2013.

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