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Mar 22, 2010
Sep 05, 2007
Apr 08, 2015
Sep 18, 2007
Jul 21, 2010
Jul 19, 2009

Sight Gag: Damn the Facts, Full Speed Ahead

Credit:  Mike Luckovich

 Sight Gag is our weekly nod to the ironic, satiric, parodic, and carnivalesque performances that are an important part of a vibrant democratic public culture.  These “gags” may not always be funny or represent a familiar point of view, but they attempt to cut through the lies, hypocrisy, shamelessness, stupidity, complacency, and other vices of democratic life.  Of course, we invite you to comment … and to send us images that you think might deserve a laugh or at least a wry and rueful look by those who are thinking about the character of public life today.


Sight Gag: Damn the Facts, Full Speed Ahead


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