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West African Image Lab Workshop

Franck Ogou and photographer Benoit Adjovi, Cotonou, Benin, c. Resolution 2013 small has announced its forthcoming Préservation du patrimoine photographique africain (3PA): West African Image Lab, which will be held in Benin, April 22-25, 2014.

The workshop will provide technical training in preventive conservation as well as open a dialogue on preservation of mid-20th-century photography in collections in Africa. It is part of a larger initiative and series of projects emphasizing creative approaches to preservation, digitization, and digital dissemination, aimed at expanding public access to African photography.

The workshop will bring together museum and archive professionals, researchers, curators, photographers, and arts activists representing photography collections in both Anglophone and Francophone Africa.  Instructors and speakers include Fatima Fall, Centre de Recherches et de Documentation du Senegal (CRDS); Debra Hess Norris, University of Delaware Department of Art Conservation; Nora Kennedy, The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Bertrand Lavedrine, Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections, France; Franck Ogou and Fallo Baba Keita, Ecole du Patrimoine Africain, Benin.

Resolution is a non-profit organization dedicated to photography and photography collections in Africa.  They work to preserve important photography collections for future generations, and to expand public and community access to the African photographic heritage in the present.

For more information, contact Jennifer Bajorek, Resolution (NY) 917.697.6056,; Erin Haney, Resolution (DC), 202.841.3842,

Photograph from of curator Franck Ogou and photographer Benoit Adjovi looking at Adjovi’s negative archives in Cotonou.



West African Image Lab Workshop


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