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London Festival of Photography 2012 Prize

The London Festival of Photography has announced a new prize for photography on this year’s festival theme of “Insideout: Reflections of the Public and the Private.”

This theme intends to explore the changing boundaries between the public and the private, as both physical and metaphorical concepts, and the social consequences of these shifts. Considering the role of photography as a tool for documentation, expression and collaboration, the festival is looking for work responding to the theme in its broadest interpretation.  Possible topics include but are not limited to such issues as:

  • photography as a means to reflect not only the external world but also the inner self of the image maker
  • the social media revolution and how it has overturned our ideas of personal privacy
  • the changing boundaries of public and private land, what this means for personal freedom and the ways in which people inhabit these opposing spaces
  • the effects and ethics of putting a very private photographic image on public display
  • censorship of images
  • the democratisation of visual journalism and how the public have become mass purveyors of information

Categories, rules, and additional information is available here.  The deadline for entry is March 29, 2012.


London Festival of Photography 2012 Prize


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